SB 1256: Motor Vehicle Insurance
Motor Vehicle Insurance; Repealing provisions which comprise the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law; revising the motor vehicle insurance coverages that an applicant must show to register certain vehicles with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles; revising minimum liability coverage requirements for motor vehicle owners or operators; providing that driver license or motor vehicle registration suspensions for failure to maintain required security which are in effect before a specified date remain in full force and effect; revising requirements for a certificate of deposit that is required if a person elects a certain method of proving financial responsibility, etc. APPROPRIATION: $83,651
Last Action: 3/4/2025 Senate - Introduced
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
2/25/2025 | Senate |
• Filed |
3/3/2025 | Senate |
• Referred to Banking and Insurance; Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; Rules |
3/4/2025 | Senate |
• Introduced |
Related Bills
Bill Number | Subject | Filed By | Relationship | Last Action and Location | Track Bills |
H 1181 | Motor Vehicle Insurance | Alvarez, Weinberger | Similar | Last Action: 3/27/2025 H Now in Insurance & Banking Subcommittee |
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Floor Amendments
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No Committee Vote History AvailableVote History - Floor
No Vote History AvailableCitations - Statutes (70)
Citation | Catchline | Location in Bill Location In Bill Help |
316.2122 | Operation of a low-speed vehicle, mini truck, or low-speed autonomous delivery vehicle on certain roadways. | Page 7 (pdf) |
316.646 | Security required; proof of security and display thereof. | |
318.18 | Amount of penalties. | Page 8 (pdf) |
320.02 | Registration required; application for registration; forms. | Page 10 (pdf) |
320.0609 | Transfer and exchange of registration license plates; transfer fee. | Page 12 (pdf) |
320.27 | Motor vehicle dealers. | Page 13 (pdf) |
320.771 | License required of recreational vehicle dealers. | Page 16 (pdf) |
322.251 | Notice of cancellation, suspension, revocation, or disqualification of license. | Page 17 (pdf) |
322.34 | Driving while license suspended, revoked, canceled, or disqualified. | Page 18 (pdf) |
324.011 | Purpose of chapter. | Page 19 (pdf) |
324.021 | Definitions; minimum insurance required. | Page 20 (pdf) |
324.022 | Financial responsibility for property damage. | Page 25 (pdf) |
324.0221 | Reports by insurers to the department; suspension of driver license and vehicle registrations; reinstatement. | Page 28 (pdf) |
324.0222 | Page 30 (pdf) | |
324.023 | Financial responsibility for bodily injury or death. | Page 30 (pdf) |
324.031 | Manner of proving financial responsibility. | Page 31 (pdf) |
324.032 | Manner of proving financial responsibility; for-hire passenger transportation vehicles. | Page 33 (pdf) |
324.051 | Reports of crashes; suspensions of licenses and registrations. | Page 35 (pdf) |
324.071 | Reinstatement; renewal of license; reinstatement fee. | Page 37 (pdf) |
324.091 | Notice to department; notice to insurer. | Page 38 (pdf) |
324.151 | Motor vehicle liability policies; required provisions. | Page 38 (pdf) |
324.161 | Proof of financial responsibility; deposit. | Page 41 (pdf) |
324.171 | Self-insurer. | Page 42 (pdf) |
324.242 | Personal injury protection and property damage liability insurance policies; public records exemption. | Page 44 (pdf) |
324.251 | Short title. | Page 44 (pdf) |
400.9905 | Definitions. | Page 44 (pdf) |
400.991 | License requirements; background screenings; prohibitions. | Page 53 (pdf) |
400.9935 | Clinic responsibilities. | Page 54 (pdf) |
409.901 | Definitions; ss. 409.901-409.920. | Page 55 (pdf) |
409.910 | Responsibility for payments on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons when other parties are liable. | Page 56 (pdf) |
456.057 | Ownership and control of patient records; report or copies of records to be furnished; disclosure of information. | Page 57 (pdf) |
456.072 | Grounds for discipline; penalties; enforcement. | Page 57 (pdf) |
626.9541 | Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined. | Page 58 (pdf) |
626.989 | Investigation by department or Division of Investigative and Forensic Services; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator’s power of arrest. | Page 65 (pdf) |
627.06501 | Insurance discounts for certain persons completing driver improvement course. | Page 67 (pdf) |
627.0651 | Making and use of rates for motor vehicle insurance. | Page 67 (pdf) |
627.0652 | Insurance discounts for certain persons completing safety course. | Page 68 (pdf) |
627.0653 | Insurance discounts for specified motor vehicle equipment. | Page 68 (pdf) |
627.4132 | Stacking of coverages prohibited. | Page 69 (pdf) |
627.4137 | Disclosure of certain information required. | Page 70 (pdf) |
627.7263 | Rental and leasing driver’s insurance to be primary; exception. | Page 71 (pdf) |
627.727 | Motor vehicle insurance; uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage; insolvent insurer protection. | Page 71 (pdf) |
627.7275 | Motor vehicle liability. | Page 74 (pdf) |
627.7278 | Page 76 (pdf) | |
627.728 | Cancellations; nonrenewals. | Page 79 (pdf) |
627.7295 | Motor vehicle insurance contracts. | Page 80 (pdf) |
627.730 | Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.731 | Purpose. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.7311 | Effect of law on personal injury protection policies. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.732 | Definitions. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.733 | Required security. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.734 | Proof of security; security requirements; penalties. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.736 | Required personal injury protection benefits; exclusions; priority; claims. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.737 | Tort exemption; limitation on right to damages; punitive damages. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.739 | Personal injury protection; optional limitations; deductibles. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.7401 | Notification of insured’s rights. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.7403 | Mandatory joinder of derivative claim. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.7405 | Insurers’ right of reimbursement. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.7407 | Application of the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law. | Page 7 (pdf) |
627.7415 | Commercial motor vehicles; additional liability insurance coverage. | Page 83 (pdf) |
627.747 | Named driver exclusion. | Page 83 (pdf) |
627.748 | Transportation network companies. | Page 84 (pdf) |
627.7483 | Peer-to-peer car sharing; insurance requirements. | Page 89 (pdf) |
627.749 | Autonomous vehicles; insurance requirements. | Page 93 (pdf) |
627.8405 | Prohibited acts; financing companies. | Page 94 (pdf) |
627.915 | Insurer experience reporting. | Page 95 (pdf) |
628.909 | Applicability of other laws. | Page 96 (pdf) |
705.184 | Derelict or abandoned motor vehicles on the premises of public-use airports. | Page 97 (pdf) |
713.78 | Liens for recovering, towing, or storing vehicles and vessels. | Page 101 (pdf) |
817.234 | False and fraudulent insurance claims. | Page 104 (pdf) |
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