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Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Open Calendar

Bill Actions

Bill Information Action(s)

S 2 General Bill by Galvano

Higher Education

  • H: In Messages

S 34 Claim/General by Braynon

Relief of C.M.H. by the Department of Children and Families

  • S: CS by Judiciary read 1st time -SJ 222
  • + All Today's Actions

H 61 General Bill by Lee, Peters

Emergency Services for an Unintentional Drug Overdose

  • H: CS by Health Innovation Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 364
  • + All Today's Actions

S 64 General Bill by Bean

State Park Fees

  • S: Subcommittee Recommendation: CS/CS by Appropriations Subcommittee on the Environment and Natural Resources; YEAS 5 NAYS 0 -SJ 234

H 77 General Bill by Government Accountability Committee

Sports Franchise Facilities

  • H: Favorable by- Appropriations Committee; YEAS 21 NAYS 8 -HJ 390

H 79 General Bill by Harrell


  • H: CS by PreK-12 Quality Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 364
  • + All Today's Actions

H 83 General Bill by Eagle

Offenses by Aliens Unlawfully Present in the United States

  • H: CS by Criminal Justice Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 364
  • + All Today's Actions

S 114 General Bill by Brandes

Cosmetic Product Registration

  • S: Subcommittee Recommendation: Favorable by Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 234

S 128 General Bill by Bradley

Self-defense Immunity

H 153 General Bill by Mariano

Excess Credit Hour Surcharges

  • H: Now in Education Committee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

H 181 General Bill by Jacobs

Natural Hazards

  • H: CS by Appropriations Committee; YEAS 28 NAYS 1 -HJ 390

S 190 General Bill by Perry

Low-voltage Electric Fences

  • S: CS/CS by Community Affairs read 1st time -SJ 222

S 222 General Bill by Steube

Length of Time a Patient May Stay at an Ambulatory Surgical Center or Mobile Surgical Center

  • S: CS by Health Policy read 1st time -SJ 222

H 249 General Bill by Rommel, Gruters

Drug Overdoses

  • H: CS by Health Quality Subcommittee; YEAS 14 NAYS 0 -HJ 395

H 267 General Bill by Berman


  • H: CS by Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 365

H 277 General Bill by Grant, White

Electronic Wills

  • H: CS by Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 365
  • + All Today's Actions

S 312 General Bill by Baxley

Eyewitness Identification

  • S: Now in Rules -SJ 181

S 352 General Bill by Hutson

Legislative Redistricting and Congressional Reapportionment

H 357 General Bill by Careers and Competition Subcommittee

Self-Service Storage Facilities

  • H: CS/CS by Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 365

H 361 General Bill by Santiago

Bail Bonds

  • H: CS by Criminal Justice Subcommittee; YEAS 14 NAYS 0 -HJ 383

S 362 General Bill by Brandes

Agency for State Technology

  • S: Subcommittee Recommendation: CS/CS by Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 234

S 364 General Bill by Gainer

Recovery Fund for the Deepwater Horizon Incident

  • S: CS by Commerce and Tourism read 1st time -SJ 222
  • + All Today's Actions

S 370 General Bill by Stargel

Florida Wing of the Civil Air Patrol

  • S: Subcommittee Recommendation: CS/CS by Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 234

S 372 General Bill by Stargel

Reemployment Assistance Fraud

  • S: Now in Rules -SJ 181

S 374 General Bill by Hukill

Postsecondary Education

  • S: Subcommittee Recommendation: CS/CS by Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 -SJ 234

S 388 General Bill by Hutson

Beverage Law

  • S: CS by Regulated Industries; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -SJ 233

S 392 General Bill by Hukill

High School Graduation Requirements

  • S: Now in Appropriations -SJ 182
  • + All Today's Actions

S 400 General Bill by Perry

Alcoholic Beverages

  • S: CS by Regulated Industries; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -SJ 233

S 416 General Bill by Montford

Use of Animals in Proceedings Involving Minors

H 421 General Bill by Shaw

Public Housing Authority Insurance

  • H: Now in Commerce Committee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

H 439 Memorial by Raulerson

Regulation Freedom Amendment

  • H: Now in Government Accountability Committee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

H 441 General Bill by Diamond

Court Records

  • H: CS by Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 365

S 446 General Bill by Passidomo

Underground Facilities

  • S: CS by Environmental Preservation and Conservation read 1st time -SJ 223
  • + All Today's Actions

S 448 General Bill by Brandes

Prearrest Diversion Programs

  • S: CS by Criminal Justice read 1st time -SJ 223
  • + All Today's Actions

S 450 Public Records/General Bill by Brandes

Public Records

  • S: CS by Criminal Justice read 1st time -SJ 223
  • + All Today's Actions

S 454 General Bill by Brandes

Regulation of Insurance Companies

  • S: Subcommittee Recommendation: CS/CS by Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 234

S 460 General Bill by Brandes

Personal Delivery Devices

  • S: Now in Banking and Insurance -SJ 181

S 466 General Bill by Hutson

Motor Vehicle Warranty Repairs and Recall Repairs

  • S: CS by Transportation read 1st time -SJ 223
  • + All Today's Actions

H 467 General Bill by Raburn

Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services

  • H: Now in Commerce Committee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

H 477 General Bill by Boyd

Controlled Substances

  • H: CS by Criminal Justice Subcommittee; YEAS 13 NAYS 1 -HJ 383

H 479 General Bill by Oversight, Transparency and Administration Subcommittee

Government Accountability

  • H: CS/CS by Appropriations Committee; YEAS 23 NAYS 2 -HJ 391

H 509 General Bill by Post-Secondary Education Subcommittee

Postsecondary Fee Waivers

  • H: Now in Education Committee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

S 514 General Bill by Stargel

Fees of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation

  • S: Favorable by Regulated Industries; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 233

H 545 General Bill by Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

  • H: CS/CS by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 12 NAYS 0 -HJ 383

H 573 General Bill by Burton

Water Protection and Sustainability

  • H: Pending review of CS under Rule 7.18(c)

S 574 Resolution by Rader

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334

  • S: Now in Rules -SJ 181

H 581 General Bill by Children, Families and Seniors Subcommittee

Family Self-Sufficiency

  • H: CS/CS by Appropriations Committee; YEAS 18 NAYS 9 -HJ 390

H 599 General Bill by Williamson

Public Works Projects

  • H: Now in Government Accountability Committee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

H 601 General Bill by Williamson

Personal Delivery Devices

  • H: Now in Government Accountability Committee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

H 643 General Bill by Harrell

Eyewitness Identification

  • H: CS by Criminal Justice Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 383

S 654 General Bill by Latvala


  • S: Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on Finance and Tax -SJ 180

S 674 Public Records/General Bill by Bean

Public Records/Nonviable Birth Records

  • S: CS by Health Policy read 1st time -SJ 223

H 681 General Bill by Oversight, Transparency and Administration Subcommittee

Unclaimed Funds Held by the Clerks of Court

  • H: CS by Oversight, Transparency and Administration Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 365

H 687 General Bill by La Rosa


  • H: CS by Energy and Utilities Subcommittee; YEAS 12 NAYS 2 -HJ 383

S 690 General Bill by Baxley

Domestic Animals

  • S: Withdrawn from further consideration -SJ 180
  • + All Today's Actions

S 716 General Bill by Passidomo

Real Estate Appraisers

  • S: CS by Regulated Industries; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 233

S 718 General Bill by Powell

Vessel Registrations

  • S: CS by Transportation read 1st time -SJ 223
  • + All Today's Actions

S 720 General Bill by Mayfield

Central Florida Expressway Authority

  • S: Now in Ethics and Elections -SJ 181

H 723 General Bill by Health Quality Subcommittee

Health Care Certification

  • H: CS by Health Quality Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 4 -HJ 395

S 734 General Bill by Powell

Construction Liens

  • S: Withdrawn from further consideration -SJ 180
  • + All Today's Actions

H 743 General Bill by Smith, Miller

Steroid Use in Racing Greyhounds

  • H: Pending review of CS under Rule 7.18(c)

H 759 Local Bill by Clemons

City of Gainesville, Alachua County

  • H: Now in Government Accountability Committee -HJ 383
  • + All Today's Actions

H 779 General Bill by Combee

Weapons and Firearms

  • H: CS by Criminal Justice Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 365
  • + All Today's Actions

S 790 General Bill by Brandes

Probation and Community Control

S 794 General Bill by Brandes

Motor Vehicle Service Agreement Companies

  • S: CS by Banking and Insurance read 1st time -SJ 224
  • + All Today's Actions

H 805 General Bill by Ingoglia

Insurance Policy Transfers

  • H: Favorable by Appropriations Committee; YEAS 26 NAYS 0 -HJ 390

S 812 General Bill by Perry

Insurance Policy Transfers

  • S: CS by Banking and Insurance read 1st time -SJ 224
  • + All Today's Actions

S 814 General Bill by Broxson

Florida Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association

  • S: Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government -SJ 180

S 818 General Bill by Hutson


  • S: CS by Regulated Industries read 1st time -SJ 224

S 844 General Bill by Simmons

Criminal Offenses Involving Tombs and Memorials

  • S: CS by Criminal Justice read 1st time -SJ 224
  • + All Today's Actions

H 849 General Bill by Combee

Concealed Weapons and Firearms on Private School Property

  • H: CS by Criminal Justice Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 366
  • + All Today's Actions

S 852 General Bill by Garcia

Human Trafficking

S 854 General Bill by Brandes

Task Force on Affordable Housing

  • S: CS by Community Affairs read 1st time -SJ 224

H 857 General Bill by Plakon

Criminal History Records

  • H: CS by Criminal Justice Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 383

S 860 General Bill by Brandes

Florida Building Code

  • S: CS by Community Affairs read 1st time -SJ 224

H 871 General Bill by Ingoglia, Moskowitz

Animal Abusers

  • H: CS by Criminal Justice Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 366
  • + All Today's Actions

H 879 General Bill by Burgess

Unlawful Acquisition of Utility Services

  • H: Now in Justice Appropriations Subcommittee -HJ 383
  • + All Today's Actions

S 880 General Bill by Stargel

Government Accountability

  • S: CS by Community Affairs read 1st time -SJ 225
  • + All Today's Actions

S 884 General Bill by Hutson

Shark Fins

  • S: CS by Environmental Preservation and Conservation read 1st time -SJ 225
  • + All Today's Actions

S 886 Public Records/General Bill by Powell

Public Records/Substance Abuse Impaired Persons

  • S: CS by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs read 1st time -SJ 225
  • + All Today's Actions

H 905 Local Bill by Fine

Barefoot Bay Recreation District, Brevard County

  • H: Now in Government Accountability Committee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

H 909 General Bill by Goodson

Building Code Administrators and Inspectors

  • H: CS by Careers and Competition Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 366
  • + All Today's Actions

H 921 Local Bill by Grall

Fellsmere Drainage District, Indian River County

  • H: CS by Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

H 927 General Bill by Rommel

Real Estate Appraisers

  • H: CS by Careers and Competition Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 366
  • + All Today's Actions

H 939 General Bill by Metz

Use or Operation of a Drone by Certain Offenders

  • H: Now in Justice Appropriations Subcommittee -HJ 383
  • + All Today's Actions

H 951 Local Bill by Raschein

City of Key West, Monroe County

  • H: CS by Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; YEAS 13 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

H 959 General Bill by Mariano, Burgess

Honor and Remember Flag

  • H: Now in Government Operations and Technology Appropriations Subcommittee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

H 963 General Bill by Fitzenhagen

Newborn Screenings

  • H: CS by Health Quality Subcommittee; YEAS 15 NAYS 0 -HJ 396

H 969 General Bill by Toledo

Pregnancy Support and Wellness Services

  • H: CS by Health Quality Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 4

H 973 General Bill by Ingram

Specialty License Plates

  • H: CS by Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 366

S 986 General Bill by Stargel

Department of Financial Services

  • S: CS by Banking and Insurance read 1st time -SJ 225
  • + All Today's Actions

H 987 General Bill by Gruters

Public Accountancy

  • H: CS by Careers and Competition Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 366

S 994 General Bill by Rouson

Specialty License Plates

  • S: CS by Transportation read 1st time -SJ 226
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1010 General Bill by Farmer

Specialty License Plates

  • S: Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development -SJ 181

H 1013 General Bill by Newton

Task Force on Affordable Housing

  • H: Now in Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

H 1017 General Bill by Ingram

Penalties and Fees

  • H: CS by Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 366

S 1018 General Bill by Grimsley

Contaminated Site Cleanup

  • S: CS by Environmental Preservation and Conservation read 1st time -SJ 226
  • + All Today's Actions

H 1025 Local Bill by Government Accountability Committee

Firefighters’ Relief and Pension Fund of the City of Pensacola, Escambia County

  • H: Now in Oversight, Transparency and Administration Subcommittee -HJ 372
  • + All Today's Actions

H 1037 General Bill by Health Quality Subcommittee


  • H: CS by Health Quality Subcommittee; YEAS 8 NAYS 7 -HJ 395

H 1041 General Bill by Raschein

Laboratory Screening

  • H: Favorable by Health Quality Subcommittee; YEAS 13 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

S 1044 General Bill by Garcia

Child Welfare

  • S: CS by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs read 1st time -SJ 226
  • + All Today's Actions

H 1055 General Bill by Ingram

Linear Facilities

  • H: Now in Natural Resources and Public Lands Subcommittee -HJ 383
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1062 Public Records/General Bill by Powell

Public Records/Protective Injunction Petitions

  • S: Now in Governmental Oversight and Accountability -SJ 181

H 1087 General Bill by Silvers

Annexation Procedures for Municipalities

  • H: Now in Agriculture and Property Rights Subcommittee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

H 1089 Local Bill by Byrd

Ocean Highway and Port Authority, Nassau County

  • H: Now in Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

H 1107 Public Records/General Bill by Insurance and Banking Subcommittee

Pub. Rec./Workers' Compensation

  • H: CS by Insurance and Banking Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 367
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1130 General Bill by Bean

Pregnancy Support Services

  • S: CS by Health Policy read 1st time -SJ 227

H 1133 General Bill by Toledo

Recovered Materials

  • H: CS by Natural Resources and Public Lands Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 367
  • + All Today's Actions

H 1135 Local Bill by Willhite

West Palm Beach Police Pension Fund of the City of West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County

  • H: CS by Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

H 1147 Local Bill by Jenne

Central Broward Water Control District, Broward County

  • H: Now in Natural Resources and Public Lands Subcommittee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

H 1149 Local Bill by Moskowitz, Jacobs

North Springs Improvement District, Broward County

  • H: Now in Natural Resources and Public Lands Subcommittee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

H 1151 Local Bill by Caldwell

Lehigh Acres Fire Control and Rescue District and Alva Fire Protection and Rescue Service District, Lee County

  • H: CS by Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; YEAS 14 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

S 1156 General Bill by Stargel

Corporate Income Tax

  • S: Now in Appropriations -SJ 182
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1170 General Bill by Hutson

Florida Security for Public Deposits Act

  • S: CS by Banking and Insurance read 1st time -SJ 227
  • + All Today's Actions

H 1215 General Bill by Jacquet

Residential Elevators

  • H: CS by Careers and Competition Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 367

S 1286 General Bill by Grimsley


  • S: Introduced -SJ 182

S 1288 General Bill by Baxley

Recovered Materials

  • S: Introduced -SJ 183

S 1290 General Bill by Hutson

Career and Technical Education

  • S: Introduced -SJ 183

S 1292 General Bill by Baxley

Labor Organizations

  • S: Introduced -SJ 183

H 1293 Local Bill by Davis

City of Jacksonville, Duval County

  • H: Now in Careers and Competition Subcommittee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1294 General Bill by Montford

Confidentiality of Patient Records

  • S: Introduced -SJ 183

H 1295 Local Bill by Raschein

Monroe County

  • H: Now in Oversight, Transparency and Administration Subcommittee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1296 General Bill by Torres

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program

  • S: Introduced -SJ 183

H 1297 Local Bill by Abruzzo

Palm Beach County

  • H: Now in Government Accountability Committee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1298 General Bill by Garcia

Mortgage Loans

  • S: Introduced -SJ 183

S 1300 General Bill by Gibson

Water Oversight and Planning

  • S: Introduced -SJ 183

S 1302 General Bill by Gibson

Private School Student Participation in Extracurricular Activities

  • S: Introduced -SJ 184

S 1304 General Bill by Stewart

Florida Black Bears

  • S: Introduced -SJ 184

S 1306 General Bill by Montford

Florida Sports Foundation

  • S: Introduced -SJ 184

S 1308 General Bill by Stewart

Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • S: Introduced -SJ 184

S 1310 General Bill by Mayfield

State Employment

  • S: Introduced -SJ 184

H 1311 Local Bill by Caldwell

Lehigh Acres Municipal Services Improvement District, Lee and Hendry Counties

  • H: Now in Ways and Means Committee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1312 General Bill by Perry


  • S: Introduced -SJ 184

H 1313 Local Bill by Stone

Cold Springs Improvement District, Marion County

  • H: Now in Government Accountability Committee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1314 General Bill by Grimsley

Educational Options

  • S: Introduced -SJ 185

H 1315 Local Bill by Metz

Lake County Water Authority, Lake County

  • H: CS by Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

S 1316 General Bill by Bracy

Preinsurance Inspection

  • S: Introduced -SJ 185

H 1317 Local Bill by Metz

North Lake County Hospital District, Lake County

  • H: Now in Health Quality Subcommittee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1318 General Bill by Garcia

Child Safety

  • S: Introduced -SJ 185

S 1320 General Bill by Stargel

Tax Administration

  • S: Introduced -SJ 185

S 1322 Memorial by Braynon

Firearm Violence Awareness Month

  • S: Introduced -SJ 185

S 1324 General Bill by Garcia

Hair Restoration or Transplant

  • S: Introduced -SJ 185

S 1326 General Bill by Artiles

Home Health Services

  • S: Introduced -SJ 186

S 1328 Memorial by Artiles

Hunting of Exotic Invasive Species in National Parks

  • S: Introduced -SJ 186

S 1330 General Bill by Stargel

Weapons and Firearms

  • S: Introduced -SJ 186

H 1331 General Bill by Grall


  • H: Pending review of CS under Rule 7.18(c)

S 1332 Joint Resolution by Torres

Legislation by Initiative

  • S: Introduced -SJ 186

S 1334 General Bill by Farmer

Sale and Delivery of Firearms

  • S: Introduced -SJ 186

S 1336 General Bill by Garcia

Provision of Pharmaceutical Services

  • S: Introduced -SJ 186

S 1338 General Bill by Book


  • S: Introduced -SJ 186

S 1342 General Bill by Torres

Child Psychological Abuse

  • S: Introduced -SJ 186

S 1344 General Bill by Torres

Emergency Scenes

  • S: Introduced -SJ 187

S 1348 General Bill by Young

Public Accountancy

  • S: Introduced -SJ 187

S 1350 General Bill by Young

Homestead Exemption Fraud

  • S: Introduced -SJ 187

S 1352 General Bill by Young

Division of Administrative Hearings

  • S: Introduced -SJ 187

S 1354 General Bill by Young

Maintenance of Certification

  • S: Introduced -SJ 187

S 1356 General Bill by Broxson

Honesty in Postsecondary Education

  • S: Introduced -SJ 187

S 1358 General Bill by Steube

Reentry into the State by Certain Persons

  • S: Introduced -SJ 187

H 1361 Local Bill by Peters

Town of Redington Beach, Pinellas County

  • H: Now in Careers and Competition Subcommittee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1362 General Bill by Broxson

K-12 Education

  • S: Introduced -SJ 187

S 1364 General Bill by Rouson

Child Safety

  • S: Introduced -SJ 188

S 1366 General Bill by Artiles

Property Appraisers

  • S: Introduced -SJ 188

S 1368 General Bill by Perry

Exceptional Student Instruction

  • S: Introduced -SJ 188

S 1370 General Bill by Perry

Lottery Games

  • S: Introduced -SJ 188

S 1372 General Bill by Perry

Electrical and Alarm System Contracting

  • S: Introduced -SJ 188

S 1374 General Bill by Perry


  • S: Introduced -SJ 188

S 1376 General Bill by Stewart

Health Insurance Coverage for Prescription Eye Drop Refills

  • S: Introduced -SJ 188

S 1378 General Bill by Perry

Stormwater Management

  • S: Introduced -SJ 188

S 1380 General Bill by Artiles

State Group Insurance Program

  • S: Introduced -SJ 189

S 1382 General Bill by Perry

Expert Witnesses

  • S: Introduced -SJ 189

S 1384 General Bill by Grimsley

Physical Therapy Licensure Compact

  • S: Introduced -SJ 189

S 1386 Public Records/General Bill by Grimsley

Public Records and Meetings/Physical Therapist Licensure Compact

  • S: Introduced -SJ 189

S 1388 General Bill by Artiles

Medical Cannabis

  • S: Introduced -SJ 189

S 1390 General Bill by Latvala

Transportation Facility Designations

  • S: Introduced -SJ 190

S 1392 General Bill by Latvala

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Applicant Drug Screening

  • S: Introduced -SJ 190

S 1394 General Bill by Hukill

Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability

  • S: Introduced -SJ 190

S 1396 General Bill by Brandes

Regulated Professions and Occupations

  • S: Introduced -SJ 190

S 1398 General Bill by Stewart

Accessibility of Places of Public Accommodation

  • S: Introduced -SJ 191

S 1400 General Bill by Grimsley

Child Welfare

  • S: Introduced -SJ 191

H 1401 Local Bill by Rodrigues

East Mulloch Drainage District, Lee County

  • H: Now in Ways and Means Committee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1402 General Bill by Latvala

Local Governmental Financial Emergencies

  • S: Introduced -SJ 191

S 1404 General Bill by Farmer

Correctional Privatization

  • S: Introduced -SJ 191

S 1406 General Bill by Powell

Stroke Centers

  • S: Introduced -SJ 191

S 1408 Public Records/General Bill by Broxson

Public Records/Confidentiality/Department of Elderly Affairs

  • S: Introduced -SJ 191

S 1410 General Bill by Perry

Best and Brightest Teachers and Principals

  • S: Introduced -SJ 191

S 1412 General Bill by Broxson

Prohibited Property Insurance Practices

  • S: Introduced -SJ 192

S 1414 General Bill by Bradley

School Funding Transparency

  • S: Introduced -SJ 192

S 1416 General Bill by Young

Enhanced Safety for School Crossings

  • S: Introduced -SJ 192

S 1418 General Bill by Flores

Seclusion and Restraint of Students with Disabilities in Public Schools

  • S: Introduced -SJ 192

S 1420 General Bill by Broxson

Trespasses Upon School Buses

  • S: Introduced -SJ 192

S 1422 General Bill by Stewart

Minority Teacher Education Scholars

  • S: Introduced -SJ 192

S 1424 General Bill by Baxley

Service of Process

  • S: Introduced -SJ 192

S 1426 General Bill by Artiles

Sales Tax Exemptions for Governmental Entities

  • S: Introduced -SJ 193

S 1428 General Bill by Baxley

Hernando County Hometown Heroes Pilot Program

  • S: Introduced -SJ 193

S 1430 General Bill by Lee

Continuing Care Contracts

  • S: Introduced -SJ 193

S 1432 General Bill by Perry

Access to Health Care Practitioner Services

  • S: Introduced -SJ 194

S 1434 General Bill by Perry

Patient Safety Culture Surveys

  • S: Introduced -SJ 194

S 1436 General Bill by Clemens

Controlled Substance Offenses

  • S: Introduced -SJ 194

H 1437 Local Bill by Watson

Alachua County

  • H: Now in Government Accountability Committee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1438 General Bill by Broxson

Aquifer Replenishment

  • S: Introduced -SJ 194

H 1439 Local Bill by Grant

Charlotte County

  • H: Now in Careers and Competition Subcommittee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

S 1440 Resolution by Rouson

Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys

  • S: Introduced -SJ 194

H 1441 Local Bill by Ahern

Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board

  • H: CS by Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; YEAS 12 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

S 1442 General Bill by Broxson

Fee and Surcharge Reductions

  • S: Introduced -SJ 194

S 1444 General Bill by Stewart

Public Notices by Local Governmental Entities

  • S: Introduced -SJ 195

S 1446 General Bill by Rouson

Pay-for-success Contracts

  • S: Introduced -SJ 195

S 1448 General Bill by Thurston

Public Records

  • S: Introduced -SJ 195

S 1450 General Bill by Powell

Text-to-911 Services

  • S: Introduced -SJ 195

S 1452 General Bill by Book


  • S: Introduced -SJ 195

S 1454 General Bill by Broxson

Child Protection

  • S: Introduced -SJ 195

S 1456 General Bill by Clemens

Postsecondary Performance-based Funding

  • S: Introduced -SJ 196

S 1458 General Bill by Simmons

Direct-support Organizations

  • S: Introduced -SJ 196

S 1462 General Bill by Hutson

Excess Credit Hour Surcharges

  • S: Introduced -SJ 196

S 1464 General Bill by Hutson

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program

  • S: Introduced -SJ 196

S 1466 General Bill by Campbell

Pet Dealers

  • S: Introduced -SJ 196

S 1468 General Bill by Galvano


  • S: Introduced -SJ 196

S 1470 General Bill by Simmons

Agency Inspectors General

  • S: Introduced -SJ 196

S 1472 General Bill by Galvano

Medicinal Cannabis Research and Education

  • S: Introduced -SJ 196

S 1474 General Bill by Perry

Teacher Certification

  • S: Introduced -SJ 196

S 1476 General Bill by Brandes

Domestic Wastewater Collection System Assessment and Maintenance

  • S: Introduced -SJ 197

S 1478 General Bill by Baxley

Inspectors General and Auditors

  • S: Introduced -SJ 197

S 1480 Public Records/General Bill by Baxley

Public Records/Active Audit or Investigation/Agency Inspector General

  • S: Introduced -SJ 197

S 1482 General Bill by Garcia

Transactions with Foreign Financial Institutions

  • S: Introduced -SJ 197

S 1484 General Bill by Thurston

Vote-by-mail Ballots

  • S: Introduced -SJ 197

S 1486 General Bill by Rouson

Public Safety Coordinating Councils

  • S: Introduced -SJ 197

S 1488 General Bill by Clemens

Annexation Procedures for Municipalities

  • S: Introduced -SJ 197

S 1490 General Bill by Thurston

Florida College System Minority Need-based Grant Program

  • S: Introduced -SJ 197

S 1492 General Bill by Simmons

Supplemental Academic Instruction

  • S: Introduced -SJ 198

S 1494 General Bill by Rader


  • S: Introduced -SJ 198

S 1496 General Bill by Thurston

Neighborhood Improvement Districts

  • S: Introduced -SJ 198

S 1498 General Bill by Rader

Reclassification of Crimes Committed Against Certain Victims

  • S: Introduced -SJ 198

S 1500 General Bill by Mayfield

Retirement of Instructional Personnel and School Administrators

  • S: Introduced -SJ 198

S 1502 General Bill by Rouson

Disclosure of Contract Information by Individuals or Entities Receiving Public Funding

  • S: Introduced -SJ 198

S 1504 Public Records/General Bill by Rouson

Public Records/Proprietary Confidential Business Information

  • S: Introduced -SJ 198

S 1506 General Bill by Gibson

Domestic Violence

  • S: Introduced -SJ 198

S 1508 General Bill by Farmer

Assisted Living Facility Employee Certification

  • S: Introduced -SJ 199

S 1510 General Bill by Farmer

Crime Reports

  • S: Introduced -SJ 199

S 1512 General Bill by Rader

Crimes Evidencing Prejudice

  • S: Introduced -SJ 199

S 1514 General Bill by Rader

Public Meetings

  • S: Introduced -SJ 199

S 1516 General Bill by Rader

Vacation Rentals

  • S: Introduced -SJ 199

S 1518 General Bill by Farmer

Medical Privacy Concerning Firearms

  • S: Introduced -SJ 199

S 1520 General Bill by Latvala

Condominium Terminations

  • S: Introduced -SJ 199

S 1522 General Bill by Braynon

Mobile Homes

  • S: Introduced -SJ 199

S 1524 General Bill by Stewart

Basin Management

  • S: Introduced -SJ 199

S 1526 Public Records/General Bill by Bracy

Public Records/Health Information/Department of Corrections

  • S: Introduced -SJ 200

S 1532 General Bill by Campbell

Language Requirements for State Agency Websites and Advertisements

  • S: Introduced -SJ 200

S 1534 General Bill by Thurston

Assistive Technology Advisory Council

  • S: Introduced -SJ 200

S 1536 General Bill by Perry

Agricultural Practices

  • S: Introduced -SJ 200

S 1538 General Bill by Broxson

Domestic Wastewater

  • S: Introduced -SJ 200

S 1540 General Bill by Brandes

Department of Management Services

  • S: Introduced -SJ 200

S 1544 General Bill by Perry

Charitable Gaming

  • S: Introduced -SJ 200

S 1546 General Bill by Garcia

Licensure of Foreign-trained Physicians

  • S: Introduced -SJ 200

S 1550 General Bill by Grimsley

Florida Center for Health Information and Technology

  • S: Introduced -SJ 201

S 1552 General Bill by Simmons

Florida Best and Brightest Teacher and Principal Scholar Award Program

  • S: Introduced -SJ 201

S 1554 General Bill by Young


  • S: Introduced -SJ 201

S 1556 General Bill by Lee


  • S: Introduced -SJ 201

S 1558 General Bill by Book

Child Exploitation

  • S: Introduced -SJ 201

S 1560 Public Records/General Bill by Book

Public Records/Videotaped Statement of a Minor

  • S: Introduced -SJ 202

S 1562 General Bill by Garcia

Expressway Authorities

  • S: Introduced -SJ 202

S 1564 General Bill by Garcia

Domestic Violence

  • S: Introduced -SJ 203

S 1566 General Bill by Simmons

Uniform Voidable Transactions Act

  • S: Introduced -SJ 203

S 1568 Local Bill by Perry

City of Gainesville, Alachua County

  • S: Introduced -SJ 203

S 1570 General Bill by Garcia

Express Lanes

  • S: Introduced -SJ 203

S 1572 General Bill by Bean

Education Savings Account Program

  • S: Introduced -SJ 203

S 1574 General Bill by Baxley

Motor Vehicles

  • S: Introduced -SJ 204

S 1576 General Bill by Gibson

Florida Film Investment Corporation

  • S: Introduced -SJ 204

S 1578 General Bill by Gibson

Diabetes Educators

  • S: Introduced -SJ 204

S 1580 General Bill by Gibson

Admission of Children and Adolescents to Mental Health Facilities

  • S: Introduced -SJ 204

S 1582 General Bill by Bradley

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

  • S: Introduced -SJ 204

S 1584 General Bill by Thurston

Reclassification of Offenses Involving Certain Firearms or Additional Firearm Magazines

  • S: Introduced -SJ 205

S 1586 General Bill by Garcia

Student Eligibility for Interscholastic Athletic Competition

  • S: Introduced -SJ 205

S 1588 General Bill by Latvala

Military and Veteran Support

  • S: Introduced -SJ 205

S 1590 General Bill by Latvala

Coastal Management

  • S: Introduced -SJ 205

S 1592 General Bill by Bean

Small Food Retailers

  • S: Introduced -SJ 206

S 1596 General Bill by Powell

Dental Services

  • S: Introduced -SJ 206

S 1598 General Bill by Brandes


  • S: Introduced -SJ 206

S 1600 General Bill by Young

Viatical Settlement Contracts

  • S: Introduced -SJ 206

S 1602 Trust Fund/General Bill by Bracy

Trust Funds/Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund/Department of Corrections

  • S: Introduced -SJ 206

S 1604 General Bill by Bracy

Department of Corrections

  • S: Introduced -SJ 206

S 1606 General Bill by Rodriguez

Juror Compensation

  • S: Introduced -SJ 207

S 1608 General Bill by Garcia

HIV Infection and AIDS for Contract Purposes

  • S: Introduced -SJ 207

S 1610 Resolution by Farmer


  • S: Introduced -SJ 207

S 1612 General Bill by Garcia

Health Care Consumer Protection

  • S: Introduced -SJ 207

S 1614 General Bill by Garcia

Involuntary Commitment

  • S: Introduced -SJ 207

S 1616 General Bill by Rodriguez


  • S: Introduced -SJ 207

S 1618 General Bill by Artiles

Controlled Substances

  • S: Introduced -SJ 207

S 1620 General Bill by Powell

Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices

  • S: Introduced -SJ 208

S 1622 General Bill by Passidomo

School Bus Safety

  • S: Introduced -SJ 208

S 1624 General Bill by Farmer

Coral Reefs

  • S: Introduced -SJ 208

S 1626 General Bill by Bradley

Department of Legal Affairs

  • S: Introduced -SJ 208

S 1628 General Bill by Young

Animal Abuser Registration

  • S: Introduced -SJ 208

S 1630 General Bill by Rodriguez

English Language Learners

  • S: Introduced -SJ 208

S 1632 General Bill by Torres

Call Center Jobs

  • S: Introduced -SJ 208

S 1634 General Bill by Steube

Residential Elevators

  • S: Introduced -SJ 209

S 1636 General Bill by Artiles

Taxation of Internet Video Service

  • S: Introduced -SJ 209

S 1640 General Bill by Broxson

Administrative Procedures

  • S: Introduced -SJ 209

S 1644 General Bill by Torres

Grandparent Visitation Rights

  • S: Introduced -SJ 209

S 1646 General Bill by Torres

Hit-and-run Alerts

  • S: Introduced -SJ 209

S 1648 General Bill by Torres

School Bus Safety

  • S: Introduced -SJ 209

S 1650 General Bill by Torres

Homeowners’ Associations

  • S: Introduced -SJ 209

S 1652 General Bill by Torres

Homeowners’ Associations

  • S: Introduced -SJ 209

S 1654 General Bill by Campbell

Florida Kidcare Program

  • S: Introduced -SJ 209

S 1656 General Bill by Torres

Housing Assistance

  • S: Introduced -SJ 210

S 1658 General Bill by Torres

State Housing Tax Credit Program

  • S: Introduced -SJ 210

S 1660 General Bill by Torres

Election Alert System

  • S: Introduced -SJ 210

S 1662 General Bill by Clemens


  • S: Introduced -SJ 210

S 1664 General Bill by Braynon

Vehicle Recalls

  • S: Introduced -SJ 210

S 1666 General Bill by Braynon

Medical Use of Marijuana

  • S: Introduced -SJ 210

S 1668 General Bill by Perry

Use of State Funds

  • S: Introduced -SJ 211

S 1670 General Bill by Latvala

Juvenile Justice

  • S: Introduced -SJ 211

S 1672 General Bill by Latvala

Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority

  • S: Introduced -SJ 211

S 1674 General Bill by Torres

Enforcement of Federal Laws

  • S: Introduced -SJ 212

S 1676 General Bill by Stewart

Gratuity or Service Charges

  • S: Introduced -SJ 212

S 1678 General Bill by Garcia

Motor Vehicle Dealers

  • S: Introduced -SJ 212

S 1680 General Bill by Baxley

Child Welfare

  • S: Introduced -SJ 212

S 1682 General Bill by Garcia


  • S: Introduced -SJ 213

S 1684 General Bill by Farmer

Insurance Rates

  • S: Introduced -SJ 213

S 1686 General Bill by Simmons

Reclaimed Water

  • S: Introduced -SJ 213

S 1688 General Bill by Farmer

Florida False Claims Act

  • S: Introduced -SJ 213

S 1690 General Bill by Torres

School Resource Officer Programs

  • S: Introduced -SJ 213

S 1692 General Bill by Torres

School Garden Programs

  • S: Introduced -SJ 214

S 1694 General Bill by Torres

Support for Parental Victims of Child Domestic Violence

  • S: Introduced -SJ 214

S 1696 General Bill by Steube

Subdivided Lands

  • S: Introduced -SJ 214

S 1698 General Bill by Baxley

Annual Corporate Reports and Fees

  • S: Introduced -SJ 214

S 1700 General Bill by Farmer

Water Management

  • S: Introduced -SJ 214

S 1702 General Bill by Powell

Classified Advertisement Websites

  • S: Introduced -SJ 214

S 1704 General Bill by Campbell

Sexually Transmissible Diseases

  • S: Introduced -SJ 214

S 1706 General Bill by Campbell


  • S: Introduced -SJ 214

S 1708 General Bill by Campbell

School Attendance

  • S: Introduced -SJ 215

S 1710 General Bill by Stargel


  • S: Introduced -SJ 215

S 1712 General Bill by Rouson

Health Care Providers

  • S: Introduced -SJ 215

S 1714 General Bill by Rouson

Early Learning

  • S: Introduced -SJ 215

S 1716 General Bill by Rouson

Florida Commission on Human Relations

  • S: Introduced -SJ 215

S 1718 General Bill by Bean

Licensure of a Doctor of Medical Science

  • S: Introduced -SJ 215

S 1720 General Bill by Rouson

Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority

  • S: Introduced -SJ 215

S 1722 General Bill by Rouson

Florida Slavery Memorial

  • S: Introduced -SJ 215

S 1724 General Bill by Montford

District Millage Elections

  • S: Introduced -SJ 216

S 1726 General Bill by Montford

Industrial Hemp Pilot Projects

  • S: Introduced -SJ 216

S 1728 General Bill by Montford

Florida State Employees’ Charitable Campaign

  • S: Introduced -SJ 216

S 1730 General Bill by Clemens

Criminal Justice

  • S: Introduced -SJ 216

S 1732 General Bill by Rodriguez

Postsecondary Education Tuition and Fees

  • S: Introduced -SJ 216

S 1734 General Bill by Rouson

Special License Plates

  • S: Introduced -SJ 216

S 1736 Public Records/General Bill by Rouson

Public Records/E-mail Addresses of Current Justices and Judges

  • S: Introduced -SJ 216

S 1738 General Bill by Powell

Career Education

  • S: Introduced -SJ 216

S 1740 General Bill by Stewart

Access to Clinics

  • S: Introduced -SJ 216

S 1742 General Bill by Rodriguez

Texting While Driving

  • S: Introduced -SJ 217

S 1744 General Bill by Rouson

Conditional Release Program

  • S: Introduced -SJ 217

S 1746 General Bill by Flores


  • S: Introduced -SJ 217

S 1748 General Bill by Stewart

Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Inspections

  • S: Introduced -SJ 217

S 1750 General Bill by Rodriguez

Special Districts

  • S: Introduced -SJ 217

S 1752 General Bill by Rouson

Art Therapy

  • S: Introduced -SJ 217

S 1754 General Bill by Campbell

Delivery of Nursing Services

  • S: Introduced -SJ 218

S 1756 General Bill by Garcia

Examination and Treatment of Individuals with Mental Illness

  • S: Introduced -SJ 218

S 1758 General Bill by Grimsley

Medical Use of Marijuana

  • S: Introduced -SJ 219

S 1760 General Bill by Grimsley

Health Care Facility Regulation

  • S: Introduced -SJ 219

S 1764 General Bill by Perry

Medicaid Compliance

  • S: Introduced -SJ 220

S 1766 General Bill by Lee

Motor Vehicle Insurance

  • S: Introduced -SJ 220

S 1768 Public Records/General Bill by Lee

Public Records/Medical Payments Coverage and Liability Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies/Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

  • S: Introduced -SJ 221

S 1770 General Bill by Lee

Community Redevelopment Agencies

  • S: Introduced -SJ 221

S 1772 General Bill by Lee

Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund

  • S: Introduced -SJ 222

S 1774 Joint Resolution by Lee

Increased Homestead Property Tax Exemption

  • S: Introduced -SJ 222

S 1776 Resolution by Latvala

9/11 First Responder Appreciation Week

S 1782 Resolution by Clemens

Dupuytren’s Disease Awareness Day

  • S: Filed

S 1784 Resolution by Flores

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Month

  • S: Filed

H 2029 Appropriations Project by Diaz

59th Avenue Expansion

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

H 2031 Appropriations Project by Diaz

87th Avenue Ramp to Miami-Dade Expressway (MDX) 924

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

H 2047 Appropriations Project by Diaz

Miami Lakes Canal Bank Stabilization Project Phase II

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2149 Appropriations Project by Gonzalez

North Port Inflow and Infiltration Program

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2173 Appropriations Project by Donalds

Identity Fraud Institute at Hodges University

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2201 Appropriations Project by Harrell

Riverwalk/Boardwalk Extension Project

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

H 2257 Appropriations Project by Cortes

Quail Pond Circle Complete Street/Pedestrian Connectivity Improvements

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

H 2315 Appropriations Project by Massullo

Kings Bay Restoration

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 373
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2321 Appropriations Project by Porter

Lake City I-75/SR 47 Wastewater Improvement Project (Phase 1)

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2325 Appropriations Project by Lee

St. Lucie County Teague Hammock Preserve

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2395 Appropriations Project by Silvers

West Palm Beach Stormwater Improvements in Historic Pineapple Park

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2415 Appropriations Project by Harrell

City of Port St Lucie - McCarty Ranch Water Quality, Restoration and Storage Project - Construction

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2433 Appropriations Project by Avila

Florida Goodwill Association

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

H 2465 Appropriations Project by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee

River Road

  • H: CS by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

H 2515 Appropriations Project by Pigman

Okeechobee Utility Authority Treasure Island Septic to Sewer Infrastructure

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2565 Appropriations Project by Caldwell

Clewiston Street and Sidewalk Maintenance

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 384

H 2575 Appropriations Project by Henry

Northwest Industrial Business Park Access Road

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 2587 Appropriations Project by Harrell

City of Port St Lucie Veterans Memorial Stormwater Quality Retrofit, Phases 1 & 2

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2619 Appropriations Project by Jenne

Town of Davie - Davie Road Downtown Improvements

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 2643 Appropriations Project by Renner

City of Flagler Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Phase 3

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2645 Appropriations Project by Renner

Palm Coast Wastewater Collection System Pipe and Manhole Lining

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2671 Appropriations Project by McGhee

Florida City Krome Avenue Water Line

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2691 Appropriations Project by Clemons

Hardee County Cattlemen's Arena and Exposition Hall

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2701 Appropriations Project by Lee

Treasure Coast Food Bank Florida Agriculture and Nourishment Collaborative

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2705 Appropriations Project by Beshears

Taylor County Coastal Canal Dredging Project

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2707 Appropriations Project by Beshears

Consolidation of County Facilities - Jefferson County

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 2727 Appropriations Project by Roth

Palm Beach Gardens Septic to Sewer and Water Infrastructure Improvements Project

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2731 Appropriations Project by Jenne

City of Pembroke Pines Senior Transportation Program

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 2733 Appropriations Project by Jenne

Fire Station 1 – City of Plantation

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 2761 Appropriations Project by Clemons

Legacy Park Trails - City of Alachua

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2769 Appropriations Project by Diaz

Hialeah Gardens Central District Drainage Improvements (88 Ave., 89 Ave., 115 St., 114 St. & 119 St.)

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2775 Appropriations Project by Watson

Waldo Wastewater Collection System & Evaluation

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2849 Appropriations Project by Stafford

Healthy Plate/Healthy Living Project

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 2905 Appropriations Project by Duran

Key Biscayne Adaptive Traffic Signalization

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 2917 Appropriations Project by Cruz

Community Housing Solutions Center

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 2987 Appropriations Project by McClain

Silver Springs Stormwater Nutrient Reduction

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3009 Appropriations Project by Avila

Ludlam Trail Corridor Acquisition

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3019 Appropriations Project by Trumbull

City of Lynn Haven 1927 Gravity Sewer Rehabilitation No. 14431

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 374
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3035 Appropriations Project by Jones

SW 25th Street/SW 48th Avenue Drainage Improvement

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3089 Appropriations Project by Byrd

Nassau Oaks Subdivision Roadway Improvements

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3095 Appropriations Project by Cummings

Jacksonville Septic Tank Phase-Out Program 250

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3123 Appropriations Project by Davis

Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing Park

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3135 Appropriations Project by Richardson

City of Miami Beach Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - SCADA

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3171 Appropriations Project by Moskowitz

Tamarac Culvert-Headwall Project 2017

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3193 Appropriations Project by Brodeur

Community Center-Passive Trail Head - City of Oviedo

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3207 Appropriations Project by Brodeur

City of Casselberry Water Reclamation Facility Nutrient Reduction, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy Project

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3217 Appropriations Project by Brodeur

City of Casselberry Septic Tank Elimination Project

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3219 Appropriations Project by Brodeur

Sanford North Water Reclamation Facility Hurricane Matthew Damage and Cleanup

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3239 Appropriations Project by Hardemon

Village of Biscayne Park - NE 113th Street Improvements

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3295 Appropriations Project by White

Advanced Manufacturing Design Studio at UWF

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3387 Appropriations Project by Beshears

Carrabelle Potable Water Supply for Septic to Sewer Conversion Project

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3391 Appropriations Project by Geller

Sunny Isles Beach Drainage Improvement

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3395 Appropriations Project by Geller

Bal Harbour Village Sanitary Sewer System Improvements

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3443 Appropriations Project by Burton

Hardee County Integrated Land-Based Marine Fish and Vegetable Crop Production

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3447 Appropriations Project by Stevenson

Wauchula Stormwater Conveyance and Improvements

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3449 Appropriations Project by Stevenson

Hardee County Regional Wastewater Service Improvements Phase 5

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3451 Appropriations Project by Stevenson

St. Augustine Utility Retrofits at the School for the Deaf and Blind and Adjacent Areas

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3457 Appropriations Project by Diaz

The Underline

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3465 Appropriations Project by Diaz

The WOW Center

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3467 Appropriations Project by Diaz

South Miami-Dade Salt Intrusion Barrier Project

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3493 Appropriations Project by Grant

Hillsborough Community College Apprenticeship Academy

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3495 Appropriations Project by Harrell

Advanced Training of Pediatric Child Abuse Specialists

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3509 Appropriations Project by Daniels

No One Left Behind - Veterans Initiative

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3521 Appropriations Project by Grant

LaunchCode Tampa - Technology Job Training and Placement

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3549 Appropriations Project by Williamson

Holley by the Sea Camden Drive Outfall Improvements, Phase 2

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3565 Appropriations Project by Albritton

DeSoto County Public Safety Building

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3567 Appropriations Project by Burgess

Pasco County Debris Removal

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3571 Appropriations Project by Burgess

Clinton Avenue Intersection Realignment Study – Pasco

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3587 Appropriations Project by Mariano

Training Facility for People Who are Blind and Visually Impaired in Pasco County

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 375
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3631 Appropriations Project by Albritton

Civic Center/Town Hall Rehab - Town of Zolfo Springs

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3639 Appropriations Project by Eagle

Cape Coral Northeast Irrigation Reservoir Land Acquisition

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3663 Appropriations Project by Harrison

TBARTA Moving The Region Forward

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -HJ 385

H 3751 Appropriations Project by Mariano

Pasco County Homeless Navigation Center

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 3781 Appropriations Project by Altman

Brevard Adults with Disabilities Program

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3795 Appropriations Project by Stevenson

University of North Florida Highly-Effective Teacher Grant

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3813 Appropriations Project by Jacobs

Margate Sewer Piping Rehabilitation Phase II

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3817 Appropriations Project by Jacobs

Parkland Roadway Stabilization

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 3823 Appropriations Project by Jacobs

Coconut Creek Sewer Pipe Rehabilitation Project

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
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H 3849 Appropriations Project by Ponder

Okaloosa County Historical Museum Cooperative

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 3851 Appropriations Project by Ponder

Historic Gulfview Hotel Restoration

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 3863 Appropriations Project by Geller

Sunny Isles Beach Complete Streets Project

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 3891 Appropriations Project by Latvala

National Cyber Partnership - Cyber Training for Veterans

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 3895 Appropriations Project by Latvala

Purchase of Artifacts from the Armed Forces Military Museum

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 3969 Appropriations Project by Sullivan

Orange County Magnolia Park Septic Tank Conversion

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3971 Appropriations Project by Sullivan

Lake County East Lake Community Park Central Sewer Connection

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 3991 Appropriations Project by Ingram

Escambia County Innerarity Island Water & Sewer System Upgrade

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 4055 Appropriations Project by Nunez

The Silver Club Program at WOW

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
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H 4063 Appropriations Project by Killebrew

Bartow Northern Connector, Phase 2

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 4069 Appropriations Project by Williamson

Santa Rosa County Tom King Bayou, Middle Branch North Channel Restoration

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 4231 Appropriations Project by Bileca

Doral Stormwater Improvements at Sub-Basin H-8

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 4237 Appropriations Project by Bileca

Palmetto Bay Drainage Sub-Basin #59/60

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
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H 4239 Appropriations Project by Bileca

Multimodal Transit Station

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 12 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 4251 Appropriations Project by Rodrigues

Sanibel Jordan Marsh Water Quality Treatment Park

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 4253 Appropriations Project by Rodrigues

Sanibel Donax Wastewater Reclamation Facility Plant 1 Upgrades Project

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 4269 Appropriations Project by McGhee

PIAG Museum

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 4293 Appropriations Project by Raulerson

City of Plant City Franklin Street Neighborhood Stormwater Improvements

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 4323 Appropriations Project by La Rosa

City of St. Cloud Downtown Revitalization Phase I

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 4329 Appropriations Project by La Rosa

International Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing Research

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

H 4379 Appropriations Project by Killebrew

City of Eagle Lake - Construction of Two Replacement Wastewater Pumping Stations

  • H: Now in Appropriations Committee -HJ 376
  • + All Today's Actions

H 4409 Appropriations Project by Caldwell

Real Time Monitoring and Prediction of Reduced Visibility Events on Florida's Highways

  • H: Favorable by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -HJ 386

S 7000 General Bill by Community Affairs

Florida Building Commission

  • S: Subcommittee Recommendation: CS by Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -SJ 234

S 7004 Public Records/General Bill by Health Policy

OGSR/Peer Review Panels/Department of Health

S 7022 General Bill by Governmental Oversight and Accountability

State-administered Retirement Systems

  • S: Introduced -SJ 222

S 7024 Public Records/General Bill by Banking and Insurance

OGSR/Title Insurance Agencies or Insurers/Office of Insurance Regulation

  • S: Filed

S 7026 Public Records/General Bill by Banking and Insurance

OGSR/Reports of Unclaimed Property/Department of Financial Services

  • S: Filed

H 7075 General Bill by Health and Human Services Committee

Child Welfare

  • H: Introduced -HJ 364

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Photo of President Passidomo and her Canine Partner

President Passidomo Becomes a Safe School Canine Partner

Senators gifted President Passidomo a safe school canine in honor of her work to develop Florida’s statewide Safe School Canine Program.

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