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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1558: Health Care

GENERAL BILL by Health, Aging and Long-Term Care ; Saunders

Health Care; provides legislative intent & findings re Medical Quality Assurance Trust Fund & function administered by Health Dept.; revises requirements re setting & use of fees for regulation of health care professions & practitioners, including continuing education fees; allows authorized physician assistants to prescribe any medication not listed on formulary established by Physician Assistants Council, etc. Amends FS. APPROPRIATION: $100,000.

Effective Date: 07/01/2001 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 6/19/2001 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-277; See also CS/HB 475 (Ch. 2001-53), HB 1003 (Ch. 2001-42), SB 666 (Ch. 2001-100), CS/SB 684 (Ch. 2001-167), CS/SB 688 (Ch. 2001-67), CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/CS/SB 1092 (Ch. 2001-271), CS/SB 1256 (Ch. 2001-203), CS/SB 1506 (Ch. 2001-276), CS/SB 1568 (Ch. 2001-173), CS/SB 1788 (Ch. 2001-176), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222), CS/SB 2110 (Ch. 2001-223), CS/CS/SB 2156 (Ch. 2001-250), CS/SB 2174 (Ch. 2001-142)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/6/2001 Senate • Filed
    3/16/2001 Senate • Introduced, referred to Health, Aging and Long-Term Care; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations; Rules and Calendar -SJ 00158
    4/4/2001 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Health, Aging and Long-Term Care, 04/05/01, 10:00 am, 110-S --Temporarily postponed
    4/5/2001 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Health, Aging and Long-Term Care, 04/10/01, 1:30 pm, 110-S
    4/10/2001 Senate • CS by Health, Aging and Long-Term Care; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 00356; CS read first time on 04/12/01 -SJ 00361
    4/12/2001 Senate • Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services -SJ 00356; On Committee agenda-- Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, 04/18/01, upon adjournment of full committee, 309-C
    4/18/2001 Senate • Favorable by Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; YEAS 5 NAYS 0 -SJ 00424
    4/19/2001 Senate • Now in Appropriations -SJ 00424; Withdrawn from Appropriations with subcommittee recommendation -SJ 00421; Now in Rules and Calendar
    4/25/2001 Senate • Withdrawn from Rules and Calendar -SJ 00454; Placed on Calendar, on second reading
    4/30/2001 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00569; Read second time -SJ 00599; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00600; Ordered engrossed -SJ 00600
    5/4/2001 Senate • Read third time -SJ 01645; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 01646; CS passed as amended; YEAS 38 NAYS 0 -SJ 01711
    5/4/2001 House • In Messages; Received -HJ 02535; Read second and third times -HJ 02537; CS passed; YEAS 114 NAYS 0 -HJ 02537
    5/4/2001 Senate • Ordered enrolled -SJ 02118
    6/5/2001 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    6/19/2001 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-277; See also CS/HB 475 (Ch. 2001-53), HB 1003 (Ch. 2001-42), SB 666 (Ch. 2001-100), CS/SB 684 (Ch. 2001-167), CS/SB 688 (Ch. 2001-67), CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/CS/SB 1092 (Ch. 2001-271), CS/SB 1256 (Ch. 2001-203), CS/SB 1506 (Ch. 2001-276), CS/SB 1568 (Ch. 2001-173), CS/SB 1788 (Ch. 2001-176), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222), CS/SB 2110 (Ch. 2001-223), CS/CS/SB 2156 (Ch. 2001-250), CS/SB 2174 (Ch. 2001-142)

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  • CS/SB 1558, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 5/7/2001 at 4:58 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (48)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 159 (e1) Health Maintenance Organizations Benson Compare Last Action: 5/2/2001 H Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1568 (Ch. 2001-173); See also CS/CS/SB 1092 (Ch. 2001-271), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277) -HJ 01821
    H 235 Dental Service Claims/Appeals Prieguez Compare Last Action: 4/27/2001 H Placed on Special Order Calendar; Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1788 (Ch. 2001-176); See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277) -HJ 01081
    H 315 Opticianry/Violations & Penalties Kottkamp Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 331 (c1) Physician Assistants Baxley Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to SB 666 (Ch. 2001-100), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 475 (e2) Hogan Compare Last Action: 5/23/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-53; See also HB 1471 (Ch. 2001-257), CS/SB 688 (Ch. 2001-67), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 523 (c1) Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Green Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1256 (Ch. 2001-203), CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 725 Interscholastic Athletics Sobel Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died in Committee on Health Regulation (HCC), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 985 Med. Records/Solicitation/Marketing Justice, Wiles Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222)
    H 1003 (e1) Paul Compare Last Action: 5/11/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-42; See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 1011 Physicians/Adverse Determinations Cusack Compare Last Action: 3/21/2001 H Withdrawn from Health Regulation (HCC); Insurance (CCC); Council for Healthy Communities; Withdrawn from further cons., Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/SB 1568 (Ch. 2001-173) -HJ 00203
    H 1217 FRS/Medicaid Fraud Control Unit Kendrick Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died in Committee on Crime Prevention, Corrections & Safety (HCC), Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1506 (Ch. 2001-276), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 1219 (e1) Insurance Agents Brown Compare Last Action: 5/2/2001 H Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 2174 (Ch. 2001-142); See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222) -HJ 01694
    H 1371 Optional Medicaid Services/Dental Betancourt Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/SB 2110 (Ch. 2001-223)
    H 1403 (c1) Health Care Mealor Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2156 (Ch. 2001-250), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/SB 1788 (Ch. 2001-176)
    H 1543 Health Care Practitioner/Credentials Health Regulation Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 1607 (e2) Insurance Bennett Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S Died in Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222), CS/SB 2174 (Ch. 2001-142)
    H 1819 (e1) Insurance/Public Records Illegal Use Waters Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1092 (Ch. 2001-271), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 1843 Nursing Health Regulation Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/SB 1256 (Ch. 2001-203), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 1867 (e2) Health Care Farkas Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S Died in Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/HB 475 (Ch. 2001-53), HB 1003 (Ch. 2001-42), SB 666 (Ch. 2001-100), CS/SB 684 (Ch. 2001-167), CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/SB 836 (Ch. 2001-107), CS/SB 840 (Ch. 2001-108), CS/CS/SB 1092 (Ch. 2001-271), CS/SB 1256 (Ch. 2001-203), CS/SB 1506 (Ch. 2001-276), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/SB 1568 (Ch. 2001-173), CS/SB 1788 (Ch. 2001-176), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222), CS/SB 2110 (Ch. 2001-223), CS/CS/SB 2156 (Ch. 2001-250), CS/SB 2174 (Ch. 2001-142)
    H 1873 Health Care Health Regulation Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    H 1879 (c1) Long-Term Care Green Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/HB 475 (Ch. 2001-53), CS/SB 688 (Ch. 2001-67), SB 1200 (Ch. 2001-44), CS/CS/CS/SB 1202 (Ch. 2001-45), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/SB 1726 (Ch. 2001-194)
    H 1885 (e1) Health Care Littlefield Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222), CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/SB 840 (Ch. 2001-108), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/SB 2174 (Ch. 2001-142)
    H 1895 (c1) Health Care Farkas Compare Last Action: 4/26/2001 H Placed on Special Order Calendar; Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, refer to SB 782 (Died in Senate Returning Messages); Refer to CS/HB 475 (Ch. 2001-53), CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/CS/SB 1092 (Ch. 2001-271), CS/SB 1256 (Ch. 2001-203), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/SB 1788 (Ch. 2001-176), CS/CS/SB 2156 (Ch. 2001-250) -HJ 00872
    S 634 (c1) Nursing Homes/Vaccinations Clary Compare Last Action: 4/18/2001 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00395; Read second time -SJ 00386; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00386; House Bill substituted -SJ 00386; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 1003 (Ch. 2001-42); See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 666 (e1) Sullivan Compare Last Action: 5/31/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-100; See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 684 (e1) Cowin Compare Last Action: 6/6/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-167; See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 688 (c1) Health, Aging and Long-Term Care Compare Last Action: 5/29/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-67; See also CS/HB 475 (Ch. 2001-53), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 782 (e1) Nursing Education Sanderson Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S In returning messages; Died in returning Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1256 (Ch. 2001-203), CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 786 (c1) Opticianry Wasserman Schultz Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 792 (e2) Silver Compare Last Action: 3/22/2002 S Line Item(s) Veto Message transmitted to Secretary of State; Chapter No. 2001-104, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 904 (Ch. 2001-216), CS/CS/CS/SB 1202 (Ch. 2001-45), CS/SB 1256 (Ch. 2001-203), CS/SB 1306 (Ch. 2001-52), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222)
    S 992 (e1) Dental Service Claim Denials Carlton Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1788 (Ch. 2001-176), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/CS/SB 2156 (Ch. 2001-250)
    S 1092 (e1) Campbell Compare Last Action: 6/19/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-271; See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 1220 (e2) Insurance Holzendorf Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S In returning messages; Died in returning Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222), CS/SB 2174 (Ch. 2001-142)
    S 1256 (e1) Campbell Compare Last Action: 6/12/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-203; See also CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 1312 (e1) Public Health Saunders Compare Last Action: 5/3/2001 S House Bill substituted -SJ 00985; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/HB 475 (Ch. 2001-53); See also HB 1471 (Ch. 2001-257), CS/SB 688 (Ch. 2001-67), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 1442 (e1) Interscholastic Athletics Sebesta Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died in Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 1506 (c1) Garcia Compare Last Action: 6/19/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-276; See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 1568 (c1) Sebesta Compare Last Action: 6/6/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-173; See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 1570 Interscholastic Athletics Sebesta Compare Last Action: 4/2/2001 S CS combines this bill wit<a href="index.cfm?Mode=Bills&Submenu=1&BI_Mode=ViewBillInfo&Billnum=1442&Year=2001">h 1442</a>; CS by Education; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 00305; Original bill laid on Table, refer to combined CS/SB 1442 (Died in House Messages); Refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 1788 (e1) Wasserman Schultz Compare Last Action: 6/6/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-176; See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/CS/SB 2156 (Ch. 2001-250)
    S 1910 (c1) Medical Practice/Clinics Garcia Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S Died in Committee on Criminal Justice, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 1092 (Ch. 2001-271), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 2060 (e2) Insurance Department Geller Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S Reconsidered -SJ 01645; Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222), CS/SB 2174 (Ch. 2001-142)
    S 2092 (e2) Sanderson Compare Last Action: 6/13/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-222; See also CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/SB 840 (Ch. 2001-108), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/SB 2174 (Ch. 2001-142)
    S 2110 (e1) Silver Compare Last Action: 6/13/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-223; See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277)
    S 2146 (e1) Medical Records/Solicitation Mitchell Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 H Died in Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 840 (Ch. 2001-108), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222), CS/SB 2174 (Ch. 2001-142)
    S 2156 (e1) Klein Compare Last Action: 6/15/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-250; See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/SB 1788 (Ch. 2001-176)
    S 2158 (c1) Health Care Saunders Compare Last Action: 5/4/2001 S Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/HB 475 (Ch. 2001-53), CS/CS/SB 792 (Ch. 2001-104), CS/SB 1256 (Ch. 2001-203), CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/SB 1788 (Ch. 2001-176), CS/CS/SB 2156 (Ch. 2001-250)
    S 2174 (c1) Holzendorf Compare Last Action: 6/1/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-142; See also CS/SB 1558 (Ch. 2001-277), CS/CS/SB 2092 (Ch. 2001-222)

    Citations - Statutes (127)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    232.435 Extracurricular athletic activities; athletic trainers.
    232.61 Governing organization for athletics; adoption of bylaws.
    240.4075 Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program.
    240.4076 Nursing scholarship program.
    383.14 Screening for metabolic disorders, other hereditary and congenital disorders, and environmental risk factors.
    395.0197 Internal risk management program.
    395.10972 Health Care Risk Manager Advisory Council.
    395.3025 Patient and personnel records; copies; examination.
    395.701 Annual assessments on net operating revenues for inpatient services to fund public medical assistance; administrative fines for failure to pay assessments when due; exemption.
    400.141 Administration and management of nursing home facilities.
    400.1415 Patient records; penalties for alteration.
    409.905 Mandatory Medicaid services.
    409.906 Optional Medicaid services.
    409.9205 Medicaid Fraud Control Unit; law enforcement officers.
    440.105 Prohibited activities; reports; penalties; limitations.
    456.003 Legislative intent; requirements.
    456.004 Department; powers and duties.
    456.011 Boards; organization; meetings; compensation and travel expenses.
    456.013 Department; general licensing provisions.
    456.017 Department of Health; examinations.
    456.025 Fees; receipts; disposition.
    456.031 Requirement for instruction on domestic violence.
    456.033 Requirement for instruction for certain licensees on human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
    456.035 Address of record.
    456.047 Standardized credentialing for health care practitioners.
    456.057 Ownership and control of patient records; report or copies of records to be furnished.
    456.063 Sexual misconduct; disqualification for license, certificate, or registration.
    456.065 Unlicensed practice of a health care profession; intent; cease and desist notice; penalties; enforcement; citations; fees; allocation and disposition of moneys collected.
    456.072 Grounds for discipline; penalties; enforcement.
    456.073 Disciplinary proceedings.
    456.074 Certain health care practitioners; immediate suspension of license.
    456.077 Authority to issue citations.
    456.079 Disciplinary guidelines.
    456.081 Publication of information.
    457.107 Renewal of licenses; continuing education.
    457.109 Disciplinary actions; grounds; action by the board.
    458.315 Temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need.
    458.319 Renewal of license.
    458.320 Financial responsibility.
    458.331 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    458.345 Registration of resident physicians, interns, and fellows; list of hospital employees; prescribing of medicinal drugs; penalty.
    458.347 Physician assistants.
    459.0075 Limited licenses.
    459.008 Renewal of licenses and certificates.
    459.0085 Financial responsibility.
    459.015 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    459.022 Physician assistants.
    460.413 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by board or department.
    461.013 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board; investigations by department.
    462.14 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the department.
    463.016 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    464.005 Board headquarters.
    464.008 Licensure by examination.
    464.009 Licensure by endorsement.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    464.0205 Retired volunteer nurse certificate.
    465.008 Renewal of license.
    465.016 Disciplinary actions.
    465.019 Institutional pharmacies; permits.
    465.0196 Special pharmacy permits.
    466.028 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    466.037 Suspension and revocation; administrative fine.
    467.203 Disciplinary actions; penalties.
    468.1155 Provisional license; requirements.
    468.1215 Speech-language pathology assistant and audiology assistant; certification.
    468.1295 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.1695 Licensure by examination.
    468.1735 Provisional license.
    468.1755 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.217 Denial of or refusal to renew license; suspension and revocation of license and other disciplinary measures.
    468.302 Use of radiation; identification of certified persons; limitations; exceptions.
    468.352 Definitions.
    468.355 Eligibility for licensure; temporary licensure.
    468.357 Licensure by examination.
    468.358 Licensure by endorsement.
    468.359 Assumption of title and use of abbreviations.
    468.365 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    468.518 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    468.719 Disciplinary actions.
    468.805 Grandfathering.
    468.811 Disciplinary proceedings.
    478.52 Disciplinary proceedings.
    480.033 Definitions.
    480.046 Grounds for disciplinary action by the board.
    483.245 Rebates prohibited; penalties.
    483.807 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    483.825 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    483.827 Administrative penalties.
    483.901 Medical physicists; definitions; licensure.
    484.002 Definitions.
    484.006 Certain rules prohibited.
    484.012 Prescriptions; filing; duplication of prescriptions; duplication of lenses.
    484.013 Violations and penalties.
    484.014 Disciplinary actions.
    484.015 Authority to inspect.
    484.0445 Training program.
    484.045 Licensure by examination.
    484.056 Disciplinary proceedings.
    486.125 Refusal, revocation, or suspension of license; administrative fines and other disciplinary measures.
    490.009 Discipline.
    490.012 Violations; penalties; injunction.
    490.014 Exemptions.
    491.009 Discipline.
    491.012 Violations; penalty; injunction.
    491.014 Exemptions.
    499.012 Wholesale distribution; definitions; permits; general requirements.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    627.419 Construction of policies.
    641.51 Quality assurance program; second medical opinion requirement.
    765.101 Definitions.
    765.102 Legislative findings and intent.
    765.1103 Pain management and palliative care.
    765.205 Responsibility of the surrogate.
    765.401 The proxy.
    766.101 Medical review committee, immunity from liability.
    766.1115 Health care providers; creation of agency relationship with governmental contractors.
    766.302 Definitions; ss. 766.301-766.316.
    766.308 Medical advisory panel review and recommendations; procedure.
    766.31 Administrative law judge awards for birth-related neurological injuries; notice of award.
    921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/SB 1558, Engrossed 2 Posted 5/7/2001 at 4:19 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (127)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    232.435 Extracurricular athletic activities; athletic trainers.
    232.61 Governing organization for athletics; adoption of bylaws.
    240.4075 Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program.
    240.4076 Nursing scholarship program.
    383.14 Screening for metabolic disorders, other hereditary and congenital disorders, and environmental risk factors.
    395.0197 Internal risk management program.
    395.10972 Health Care Risk Manager Advisory Council.
    395.3025 Patient and personnel records; copies; examination.
    395.701 Annual assessments on net operating revenues for inpatient services to fund public medical assistance; administrative fines for failure to pay assessments when due; exemption.
    400.141 Administration and management of nursing home facilities.
    400.1415 Patient records; penalties for alteration.
    409.905 Mandatory Medicaid services.
    409.906 Optional Medicaid services.
    409.9205 Medicaid Fraud Control Unit; law enforcement officers.
    440.105 Prohibited activities; reports; penalties; limitations.
    456.003 Legislative intent; requirements.
    456.004 Department; powers and duties.
    456.011 Boards; organization; meetings; compensation and travel expenses.
    456.013 Department; general licensing provisions.
    456.017 Department of Health; examinations.
    456.025 Fees; receipts; disposition.
    456.031 Requirement for instruction on domestic violence.
    456.033 Requirement for instruction for certain licensees on human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
    456.035 Address of record.
    456.047 Standardized credentialing for health care practitioners.
    456.057 Ownership and control of patient records; report or copies of records to be furnished.
    456.063 Sexual misconduct; disqualification for license, certificate, or registration.
    456.065 Unlicensed practice of a health care profession; intent; cease and desist notice; penalties; enforcement; citations; fees; allocation and disposition of moneys collected.
    456.072 Grounds for discipline; penalties; enforcement.
    456.073 Disciplinary proceedings.
    456.074 Certain health care practitioners; immediate suspension of license.
    456.077 Authority to issue citations.
    456.079 Disciplinary guidelines.
    456.081 Publication of information.
    457.107 Renewal of licenses; continuing education.
    457.109 Disciplinary actions; grounds; action by the board.
    458.315 Temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need.
    458.319 Renewal of license.
    458.320 Financial responsibility.
    458.331 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    458.345 Registration of resident physicians, interns, and fellows; list of hospital employees; prescribing of medicinal drugs; penalty.
    458.347 Physician assistants.
    459.0075 Limited licenses.
    459.008 Renewal of licenses and certificates.
    459.0085 Financial responsibility.
    459.015 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    459.022 Physician assistants.
    460.413 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by board or department.
    461.013 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board; investigations by department.
    462.14 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the department.
    463.016 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    464.005 Board headquarters.
    464.008 Licensure by examination.
    464.009 Licensure by endorsement.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    464.0205 Retired volunteer nurse certificate.
    465.008 Renewal of license.
    465.016 Disciplinary actions.
    465.019 Institutional pharmacies; permits.
    465.0196 Special pharmacy permits.
    466.028 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    466.037 Suspension and revocation; administrative fine.
    467.203 Disciplinary actions; penalties.
    468.1155 Provisional license; requirements.
    468.1215 Speech-language pathology assistant and audiology assistant; certification.
    468.1295 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.1695 Licensure by examination.
    468.1735 Provisional license.
    468.1755 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.217 Denial of or refusal to renew license; suspension and revocation of license and other disciplinary measures.
    468.302 Use of radiation; identification of certified persons; limitations; exceptions.
    468.352 Definitions.
    468.355 Eligibility for licensure; temporary licensure.
    468.357 Licensure by examination.
    468.358 Licensure by endorsement.
    468.359 Assumption of title and use of abbreviations.
    468.365 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    468.518 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    468.719 Disciplinary actions.
    468.805 Grandfathering.
    468.811 Disciplinary proceedings.
    478.52 Disciplinary proceedings.
    480.033 Definitions.
    480.046 Grounds for disciplinary action by the board.
    483.245 Rebates prohibited; penalties.
    483.807 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    483.825 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    483.827 Administrative penalties.
    483.901 Medical physicists; definitions; licensure.
    484.002 Definitions.
    484.006 Certain rules prohibited.
    484.012 Prescriptions; filing; duplication of prescriptions; duplication of lenses.
    484.013 Violations and penalties.
    484.014 Disciplinary actions.
    484.015 Authority to inspect.
    484.0445 Training program.
    484.045 Licensure by examination.
    484.056 Disciplinary proceedings.
    486.125 Refusal, revocation, or suspension of license; administrative fines and other disciplinary measures.
    490.009 Discipline.
    490.012 Violations; penalties; injunction.
    490.014 Exemptions.
    491.009 Discipline.
    491.012 Violations; penalty; injunction.
    491.014 Exemptions.
    499.012 Wholesale distribution; definitions; permits; general requirements.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    627.419 Construction of policies.
    641.51 Quality assurance program; second medical opinion requirement.
    765.101 Definitions.
    765.102 Legislative findings and intent.
    765.1103 Pain management and palliative care.
    765.205 Responsibility of the surrogate.
    765.401 The proxy.
    766.101 Medical review committee, immunity from liability.
    766.1115 Health care providers; creation of agency relationship with governmental contractors.
    766.302 Definitions; ss. 766.301-766.316.
    766.308 Medical advisory panel review and recommendations; procedure.
    766.31 Administrative law judge awards for birth-related neurological injuries; notice of award.
    921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/SB 1558, Engrossed 1 Posted 5/3/2001 at 4:34 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (35)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    255354 - Amendment
    Wasserman Schultz 4/30/2001
    9:26 PM
    Web Page
    622546 - Amendment
    Silver 5/1/2001
    8:02 AM
    Web Page
    824110 - Amendment
    Wasserman Schultz 5/1/2001
    9:23 AM
    Web Page
    382766 - Amendment
    Saunders 5/1/2001
    9:38 AM
    Web Page
    164358 - Amendment
    Saunders 5/1/2001
    3:17 PM
    Web Page
    791604 - Amendment
    Saunders 5/2/2001
    10:02 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 153776 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/2/2001
    10:15 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 263906 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/2/2001
    10:16 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 650124 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/2/2001
    11:55 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 070394 - Substitute Amendment (650124)
    Silver 5/3/2001
    10:37 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 780468 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/2/2001
    12:48 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 291820 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Sanderson 5/2/2001
    1:39 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 273842 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Campbell 5/2/2001
    1:47 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 940362 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Wasserman Schultz 5/2/2001
    2:14 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 160202 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Crist 5/2/2001
    4:46 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 530074 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/2/2001
    7:13 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 675558 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/2/2001
    7:18 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 323012 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/2/2001
    7:52 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 504278 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Silver 5/2/2001
    9:11 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 510348 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Webster 5/2/2001
    9:41 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 262846 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Webster 5/2/2001
    9:46 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 263982 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/3/2001
    8:27 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 471162 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Sanderson 5/3/2001
    8:37 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 861620 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Campbell 5/3/2001
    9:26 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 742036 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Silver 5/3/2001
    10:54 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 590086 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/3/2001
    11:59 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 224640 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/3/2001
    12:43 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 232724 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/3/2001
    12:43 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 782880 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/3/2001
    12:48 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 381386 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Dyer 5/3/2001
    1:38 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 100780 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Saunders 5/3/2001
    1:50 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 491306 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Silver 5/3/2001
    3:49 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 175244 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Webster 5/3/2001
    6:48 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 361050 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Silver 5/4/2001
    10:56 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 620382 - Amendment to Amendment (791604)
    Diaz de la Portilla 5/4/2001
    6:32 PM
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (4)

    Date Chamber Result
    5/4/2001 6:25 PM Senate - Amendment 510348 21 Yeas - 13 Nays
    5/4/2001 6:46 PM Senate - Amendment 471162 15 Yeas - 20 Nays
    5/4/2001 6:50 PM Senate 38 Yeas - 0 Nays
    5/4/2001 10:31 PM House 114 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (51)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    456.003 Legislative intent; requirements.
    456.004 Department; powers and duties.
    456.011 Boards; organization; meetings; compensation and travel expenses.
    456.013 Department; general licensing provisions.
    456.017 Department of Health; examinations.
    456.025 Fees; receipts; disposition.
    456.035 Address of record.
    456.057 Ownership and control of patient records; report or copies of records to be furnished.
    456.063 Sexual misconduct; disqualification for license, certificate, or registration.
    456.065 Unlicensed practice of a health care profession; intent; cease and desist notice; penalties; enforcement; citations; fees; allocation and disposition of moneys collected.
    456.072 Grounds for discipline; penalties; enforcement.
    456.073 Disciplinary proceedings.
    456.074 Certain health care practitioners; immediate suspension of license.
    456.079 Disciplinary guidelines.
    456.081 Publication of information.
    457.107 Renewal of licenses; continuing education.
    457.109 Disciplinary actions; grounds; action by the board.
    458.320 Financial responsibility.
    458.331 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    459.0085 Financial responsibility.
    459.015 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    460.413 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by board or department.
    461.013 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board; investigations by department.
    462.14 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the department.
    463.016 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    464.005 Board headquarters.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    465.016 Disciplinary actions.
    465.019 Institutional pharmacies; permits.
    466.028 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    466.037 Suspension and revocation; administrative fine.
    467.203 Disciplinary actions; penalties.
    468.1295 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.1755 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.217 Denial of or refusal to renew license; suspension and revocation of license and other disciplinary measures.
    468.365 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    468.518 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    468.719 Disciplinary actions.
    468.811 Disciplinary proceedings.
    478.52 Disciplinary proceedings.
    480.046 Grounds for disciplinary action by the board.
    483.807 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    483.825 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    483.827 Administrative penalties.
    483.901 Medical physicists; definitions; licensure.
    484.012 Prescriptions; filing; duplication of prescriptions; duplication of lenses.
    484.014 Disciplinary actions.
    484.056 Disciplinary proceedings.
    486.125 Refusal, revocation, or suspension of license; administrative fines and other disciplinary measures.
    490.009 Discipline.
    491.009 Discipline.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/SB 1558, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 4/13/2001 at 1:48 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services (Post-Meeting) 4/18/2001 (pdf)
    Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 4/18/2001 (pdf)
    Health, Aging and Long-Term Care (Post-Meeting) 4/11/2001 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    353272 - Amendment
    Saunders 4/27/2001
    4:45 PM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (50)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    456.004 Department; powers and duties.
    456.011 Boards; organization; meetings; compensation and travel expenses.
    456.013 Department; general licensing provisions.
    456.017 Department of Health; examinations.
    456.025 Fees; receipts; disposition.
    456.035 Address of record.
    456.057 Ownership and control of patient records; report or copies of records to be furnished.
    456.063 Sexual misconduct; disqualification for license, certificate, or registration.
    456.065 Unlicensed practice of a health care profession; intent; cease and desist notice; penalties; enforcement; citations; fees; allocation and disposition of moneys collected.
    456.072 Grounds for discipline; penalties; enforcement.
    456.073 Disciplinary proceedings.
    456.074 Certain health care practitioners; immediate suspension of license.
    456.079 Disciplinary guidelines.
    456.081 Publication of information.
    457.107 Renewal of licenses; continuing education.
    457.109 Disciplinary actions; grounds; action by the board.
    458.320 Financial responsibility.
    458.331 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    459.0085 Financial responsibility.
    459.015 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    460.413 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by board or department.
    461.013 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board; investigations by department.
    462.14 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the department.
    463.016 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    464.005 Board headquarters.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    465.016 Disciplinary actions.
    465.019 Institutional pharmacies; permits.
    466.028 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    466.037 Suspension and revocation; administrative fine.
    467.203 Disciplinary actions; penalties.
    468.1295 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.1755 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.217 Denial of or refusal to renew license; suspension and revocation of license and other disciplinary measures.
    468.365 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    468.518 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    468.719 Disciplinary actions.
    468.811 Disciplinary proceedings.
    478.52 Disciplinary proceedings.
    480.046 Grounds for disciplinary action by the board.
    483.807 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    483.825 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    483.827 Administrative penalties.
    483.901 Medical physicists; definitions; licensure.
    484.012 Prescriptions; filing; duplication of prescriptions; duplication of lenses.
    484.014 Disciplinary actions.
    484.056 Disciplinary proceedings.
    486.125 Refusal, revocation, or suspension of license; administrative fines and other disciplinary measures.
    490.009 Discipline.
    491.009 Discipline.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • SB 1558, Original Filed Version Posted 3/9/2001 at 1:35 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Top of SectionTop of Page